Wednesday 8 April 2015

#Cake-A-Day - Recipe of dreams!

Ok, so I know some of you would have been cursing my name for taking ohhhh so long to put this recipe up. But never fear, I'm true to my word and here it is! Prepare to have your freakin mind blown by this macro witchery!

Main Ingredients:

30g self raising flour
20g coconut flour
25g vanilla protein powder
60g egg whites
75ml milk (almond,coconut,normal)
1 tin Butter beans (230g drained)
1 tspn baking powder
1/2 tspn almond essence
1/2 - 1 tspn vanilla extract
100g (roughly) blueberries/raspberries
Stevia to taste

MACROS - 16F/65C/46P    ~610 calories


Step 1: Combine all dry ingredients and mix, then add egg whites, milk, essence, extract and mix into a thick batter.

Step 2: Add in rinsed and drained butter beans and using a stick mixer combine until nice and smooth. Add stevia now to make your level of desired sweetness.

Step 3: Pour half the mixture into a cake tin/baking dish and then chuck on some berries, add remaining mixture and add more berries on top to make it look all nice and prettyyyyyyy.

Step 4: Bake at 180 degrees for 25min, remove from oven and let cool in tin for 5min before taking it out and allowing to completely cool on a wire rack.

Step5: EAT IT!!!!!

Now how easy is that? Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did, and get creative with your combos!!


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