Thursday 2 January 2014

Nutrition is key

For lunch today after what was an amazing leg session, I am having one of my favorites.....Salmon :)

I follow a structured nutrition program which I have developed myself over time, and for me it works very well. It keeps me lean all year round and then when I want to gain some lean mass over a few months I just up my carb and fat intake. And occasionaly I will sneak in a cheat meal as it does help i many way, and that is something I can talk about later!

For lunch I chowed down on 1 and a half cups of broccoli, 10oz of sweet potato, and 220grams of Atlantic Salmon. And it was deliciousssss!! So macronutrients for this meal would be roughly as follows: Protein - 60g, Carbohydrates: 45g, Fats: 30g - total - 680calories.

Meal finished :)

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